If you want to have your dream photoshoot in Sicily, I suggest you pay attention to the season in which you shoot. Although many people think that winter is only made of cold and terrible weather conditions, today I feel like saying that in Sicily it is not like that at all. Rainy days do exist, but here in Sicily they become a rather rare event and are almost never consecutive.
As a professional fashion and portrait photographer, I really appreciate bright days and I am lucky enough to live in a place full of beautiful locations and where the climate is mild. If your brand suits well with our Mediterranean style and you were thinking of planning a photoshoot in Sicily, I suggest you to leave summer aside.
Several international brands contacted me for a photoshoot in Sicily during the summer and unfortunately I had a lot of difficulty finding team members during the summer holidays. Moreover, you can easily find the locations overly crowded during late spring and summer, so it is quite difficult to get the right shots.
Another aspect to consider is the heat. If in winter temperatures remain between 10 and 20 degrees on the sunniest days, in summer temperatures in Sicily are between 35 and 40 degrees, if not more. This is a disadvantage for those who dream of a photoshoot in the beautiful Sicilian locations and it becomes really difficult to bear the heat for the models and for the rest of the team that works outdoors. Humidity is another underestimated thing, terrible for hair styling.
In winter, however, the days are shorter, sunset is around 4pm during the winter season. But if you plan everything and start shooting early in the morning, you will get the perfect shots for the spring-summer collection. Obviously for shots at the seaside or with excessively exposed looks, I always recommend moving the photoshoot to spring. As for autumn… Well, it is more summer than autumn here in Sicily, at least until the first days of December.
Finally, I advise you to carefully consider the choice of the date of your next photoshoot in Sicily. If you already have a project in mind, email me, I can’t wait to meet you!
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